Financial Calendar For 2024 / 2025
28 February 2024
25 April 2024
8 August 2024 (tentative)
25 February 2025 (tentative)
Announcement of FY2023 Results
Annual General Meeting for FY2023
Announcement of First Half FY2024 Results
Announcement of FY2024 Results
Shareholders Meeting
Annual Report 2022
Addendum to Annual Report 04/06/2023
Extraordinary General Meeting
Nothing Now.
1. The Company is committed to upholding a high standard of ethical conduct and therefore adopts a zero-tolerance approach on issues/incidents relating to fraud and unethical conduct. The Company will review and investigate all such reports in an objective manner and, having considered the nature of the reported issue and the outcome of the investigation, will take appropriate actions. All reports will be handled by the Whistleblowing Investigation Committee (“WIC”) and any investigation and recommendation will be directed by the WIC.
This policy aims to
(i) Ensure independent investigation of the matters reported;
(ii) provide an avenue to any individual (reporting person) to raise concerns about possible improprieties and obstructive actions within the Group of which the reporting person becomes aware; and
(iii) provide assurance that the reporting person will be protected from reprisals or victimization for reporting in good faith and without malice. This policy is intended to cover serious concerns that could have an impact on the Company such as actions or behavior that:
May lead to incorrect financial reporting;
Are unlawful;
Are not in line with a legal obligation or policy of the Group;
May pose dangers to the health and safety of any individual;
May damage or cause potential damage to the environment;
Amount to professional or ethical malpractices;
Deliberately conceal serious wrongdoings or malpractices;
May pose a serious breach of fundamental internal controls;
Otherwise amount to serious improper conduct; or
Deliberately conceal information tending to show any of the above
The above list is not exhaustive.
In pursuit of this objective, the Company adopts as its best practices, the principles and guidelines of the Code of Corporate Governance issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, as may be amended from time to time.
2. Reporting of Possible Improprieties
The Company believes that it is in the best interest of the Group to promote a conducive environment for employees and external parties to raise or report concerns about possible improprieties which they may encounter in full confidence and without fear of retaliatory action.
3. Authority to receive Complaints
It is hereby determined that all Complaints shall be reported in writing to the WIC of the Company via the Whistleblowing Report Form.
4. Right to File a Complaint
Every employee and external party shall have the unfettered right to file a complaint in good faith without malice or consideration of personal benefit. Such parties shall not be restricted in the exercise of such right as a reporting party. They are not investigators or finders of fact, nor do they determine the appropriate corrective or remedial action that may be warranted.
5. Prohibition of Obstructive Action
The Company will not tolerate nor condone any obstructive action being taken against any employee who wishes or intends to, or who is in the process of filing a complaint, and may institute disciplinary action or assist the said employee in taking legal action, as it deems appropriate, against anyone found to have taken such obstructive action.
6. Prohibition of Retaliatory Action
The Company will not tolerate nor condone any retaliatory action taken against any reporting party who has filed a complaint and may institute disciplinary action against any employee or person found to have taken such retaliatory action.
Any report alleging retaliatory action or obstructive action will be received, reviewed and investigated by WIC in the same manner as any report alleging possible improprieties.
The above shall not preclude any administrative, disciplinary, and/or other action being taken against any person who has committed or abetted the commission of the possible improprieties which is the subject matter of the complaint, notwithstanding that the person is the complainant or a witness in the investigation. However, the WIC would take into account the fact that he/she has co-operated by filing the complaint or provided information or documents as a witness to facilitate investigation.
1. General Policy
- Mun Siong Engineering Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Company”), its Subsidiaries and Associates (hereinafter referred to as “Group”) is committed to corporate governance (in accordance with the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2018) and transparency by disclosing to stakeholders, including shareholders, as much relevant information* as far as possible, in a timely, fair and transparent manner. The Company also believes in regular, effective and fair communication with its shareholders and is committed to hearing its shareholders’ views and addressing their concerns. By supplying shareholders with reliable and timely information, the Company is able to strengthen the relationship with its shareholders based on trust and accessibility.
- The Board’s policy is that all Shareholders shall be informed simultaneously in an accurate and comprehensive manner regarding all material developments that will impact the Group.
- *Information refers to corporate communication materials or any document to be issued by the Company for information or action of its Shareholders, including, but not limited to, the annual report, a notice of meeting, a circular and a proxy form.
- All disclosures submitted to the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”) through SGXNET shall be made available on the Company’s well-maintained and updated corporate website (
- This Policy is subjected to regular review by the Board of Directors (“Board”) and senior management of the Company to ensure its effectiveness. Updates and amendments (as appropriate) will be made to reflect current best practices in our communication with Shareholders and the investment community.
2. Shareholder Rights
- The Company is also committed to treating all Shareholders fairly and equitably, and will recognize, protect and facilitate the exercise of Shareholders’ rights, continuously review and update such corporate governance arrangements.
- The Company facilitates the opportunity for Shareholders to participate effectively in and vote at general meetings of Shareholders. The Shareholders will also be informed of the rules, including voting procedures that govern the general meetings of Shareholders.
- The Company allows corporations that provide nominee or custodial services to appoint more than two proxies so that Shareholders who hold shares through such corporations can attend and participate in general meetings as proxies.
3. Communications Principles
- The Company strives to provide pertinent and accurate information to its Shareholders and the investment community in an effective and timely manner. The Company does not practice selective disclosure of material information, especially information that is deemed price-sensitive or affect shareholders’ or investors’ decisions in investing in the Company’s shares.
- The Company will use clear and plain language in its communication with its Shareholders.
- The Company endeavors to provide a consistent level of disclosure on both positive and negative developments of the Company.
- The Company will communicate only through its designated spokespersons.
- The Company and designated spokespersons will establish and maintain regular dialogue with Shareholders, to solicit and understand the views of the Shareholders through analysts and media briefings and investor roadshows.
- The Company does not respond to rumors. However, if rumors indicate that material information has been leaked or they are in fact false or inaccurate, the rumors will then be promptly denied or clarified via announcements made through SGXNET and Company corporate website.
- The Company will give reasonable access to analysts and the media to help them formulate informed opinions of the Company but will not seek to influence those opinions.
- The Company observes a prescribed ‘blackout period’ prior to the announcement of its financial results. During this blackout period, the Company does not comment on the industry outlook, the Group’s business performance and financial results, unless such information has already been publicly disclosed.
4. Communication Strategies
The Company actively engages its Shareholders and the investment community via:
- Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) and Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) if necessary;
- half-yearly or full-year results announcement or quarterly update announcement of the Group’s performances. The Company may conduct an analysts’ briefing on the day of the announcement;
- annual reports;
- news releases and statements;
- notices of, and explanatory memoranda for AGMs and EGMs; and
- corporate website (
The Company adopts half-yearly and full-year financial reporting. The Company, on a voluntary basis, will provide relevant business updates in each quarter. Any such presentation slides and materials will be announced via SGXNet and posted on the Company’s corporate website.
5. Investors’ Communication
- The Company meets with investors, the media, and analysts at appropriate times and participates in investor roadshows and sector conferences throughout the year.
- Upon the release of half-year and full-year financial results, the Company may hold media and analyst briefings.
6. Shareholders’ Meetings
- The Company’s AGMs are the principal communication channels with its Shareholders and for Shareholders’ participation.
- Shareholders will be notified of the notice of AGM via electronic means within four months after the close of the financial year.
- As and when an EGM of the Shareholders is to be held, each Shareholder will be notified from a circular with notice of the EGM containing details of the matters to be proposed for Shareholders’ consideration and approval.
- Notices for the general meetings setting out all items of business to be transacted at the general meeting will also be announced via SGXNET and Company corporate website.
- Members of the Board (including the various Board Committee members), the Company’s senior management, and the external auditors of the Company are in attendance at all general meetings to address Shareholders’ queries. Shareholders are given the opportunity to communicate their views on various matters affecting the Company. A Shareholder is allowed to appoint up to two proxies to attend and vote at the general meetings in his/her stead.
- The Company supports voting by poll at all general meetings and the poll results are announced via SGXNET to SGX-ST on the same day of each Shareholders’ meeting.
7. Corporate Website
- The Company maintains a corporate website ( The Company’s business developments and operations, financial reports, announcements, news releases, and other information are posted on its corporate website. Both current information and archives of previously released information including presentation slides and announcements can be found under the “Investors” section of the corporate website.
8. Company Contacts
Shareholders can contact our Singapore Share Registrars at the following addresses:
Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Services Pte Ltd
1 Harbour Front Avenue
Keppel Bay Tower #14-07 Singapore 098632
Telephone: +65 6536 5355
Fax: +65 6536 1360
Emails: (General / Sales Enquiries) (Share Registry / Shareholder Enquiries)
9. Shareholder Privacy
The Company recognizes the importance of Shareholders’ privacy and will not disclose Shareholders’ information without their consent unless required by law.
This Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) applies to all Suppliers listed in the Approved Supplier List (ASL) of Mun Siong Engineering Limited, its subsidiaries and associate (hereinafter referred to as the “Group”) and all other Suppliers to be appointed and engaged by the Group. The Code conveys the expectation for Suppliers to adhere to the highest ethical standards when conducting business with the Group.
The Code defines the basic requirement of the Group’s Suppliers of goods and services on the activities that are strictly prohibited as well as respective responsibilities towards their stakeholders and the environment. It is the obligation of the Suppliers to review the Code, understand and comply with the Code.
A Supplier refers to any individual or business that supplies goods or services to any part of the Group’s business, and includes all persons employed by the Suppliers, as well as sub-contractors and service providers engaged by the Supplier.
It is the responsibility of the Supplier to ensure its employees and representatives understand and comply with this Code. Failure to adhere to this Code may be sufficient grounds for the Group to terminate the supplier’s relationship, depending on the circumstances and the seriousness of the violation.
Business Integrity
Suppliers shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Suppliers shall not tolerate, permit or engage in bribery, corruption or unethical practices. Suppliers shall practice fair competition. Conflicts of interest are to be avoided at all times.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
In addition to the legal standards mentioned in this Code, Suppliers must undertake that they shall comply with all laws and regulations that apply to them in their countries of operations, while providing goods and services to the Group including but not limited to the laws and regulations in respect of anti-bribery, fraud and corruption.
The Group expects Suppliers to implement systems and controls to promote compliance with applicable laws and the principles set forth in this Code. Suppliers should also apply these or similar principles to the subcontractors and suppliers in providing goods and services to the Group.
Ethical Dealings
Suppliers shall commit that all their business dealings are handled with integrity, transparency and honesty. No form of fraud, corruption, bribery, extortion or other behaviour involving improper benefits shall be tolerated. Any situation that has actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed to the Group. Suppliers will comply with all the anti-corruption principles:
(a) committing to promote values of integrity, transparency, accountability and good corporate governance; (b) strengthening internal systems that support corruption prevention;
(c) fighting any form of corrupt practice; and
(d) supporting corruption prevention initiatives by the Government and the local authorities;
(e) A ‘zero tolerance’ policy towards any form of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement.
Suppliers shall not offer to any employee of the Group any gift, inducement or reward that may influence business decision or create the appearance of influencing any business decision other than that specifically documented in a signed contract agreement or terms and conditions of the business arrangement.
In particular, Suppliers shall not pay bribes or make any other inducement, including kickbacks, facilitation payments, excessive gifts and hospitality, grants or donations in relation to their business dealing with customers and public officials. Suppliers are expected to perform all business dealings transparently and these dealings shall be recorded accurately. Suppliers shall ensure the subsidiaries, affiliates and all other parties appointed by the Suppliers to conduct work for the Group to also comply with the above. Suppliers and those acting on their behalf shall remain free from conflicts of interest that may adversely influence their business relationship with the Group. Suppliers and those acting on their behalf shall remain free from conflicts of interest that may adversely influence their business relationship with the Group. Suppliers have not been convicted nor are the subject of any investigation, inquiry or enforcement proceedings by the relevant authorities of any actual or suspected breach to the above and will report any actual or suspected breach to the above as soon as reasonably practicable and to the extent permitted by law to the Group.
Anti-Money Laundering
The term money laundering is the process of hiding the true nature or source of illegally obtained funds and passing it through any legitimate business channels from one place or person to another. Anti-money laundering provisions are designed to help prevent legitimate businesses from being used by criminals and to assist law enforcement agencies to trace and recover criminal assets and terrorist funding. The Group prohibits any involvement in money laundering activities either directly or indirectly.
Suppliers are required to report any suspicious transactions or any money laundering concerns to the Group.
Suppliers must respect the Group’s intellectual property, trade secrets and all other confidential, proprietary or sensitive information, and may not use or disclose any such information except in accordance with the terms of their contract with the Group, and for the benefit of the Group.
Suppliers shall disclose information regarding its business activities, structure, financial situation and performance in accordance with applicable regulations and prevailing industry practices. Falsification of records or misrepresentations of conditions or practices in the supply chain are unacceptable.
Competition / Anti-trust
Group is committed to conducting its business in full compliance with anti-trust and fair competition laws. Suppliers shall comply with all applicable anti-trust and competition laws of the country in which the Group operates. Suppliers shall not use illegal or unethical methods to compete in the market which includes but are not limited to:
(a) exchanging, agreeing or arrangement to exchange commercially sensitive or competitive information with
(b) fixing prices or terms related to pricing;
(c) dividing up markets, territories or customer; and
(d) adopting strategies to illegally exclude competitors from the market.
Suppliers shall not engage in any form of discrimination based on race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or other prohibited grounds for discrimination in hiring and any other employment practices.
Compliance with Labour Laws and Prohibition of Forced Labour
Suppliers shall not use forced labour, which consists of any work or service, not voluntarily performed, that is exacted from an individual under threat of force or penalty and includes any kind of involuntary or compulsory labour. Suppliers shall not use coerced, bonded or indentured labour, prison labour, or other forms of forced labour.
Suppliers shall comply with rules and conditions of employment that respect employees and, at a minimum, safeguard their rights under applicable national and international labour and social security laws and regulations. Suppliers shall ensure that their employees are provided with a valid employment contract outlining clearly the terms and conditions including on wages and other benefits.
In addition, where migrant employees are employed, Suppliers shall ensure that the employees
(a) are documented and recruited legally and ethically in line with applicable laws and regulations in the
country in which the Group operates;
(b) are provided with adequate information regarding their terms of employment in their national languages;
(c) enjoy their right to keep all personal documents.
Prohibition of Child Labour
Suppliers shall not use child labour, which refers to work that:
(a) is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children; and/ or
(b) interferes with their schooling.
The term “child” refers to a person who has not completed his 15th year of age or in accordance with the applicable laws in the country in which the Group operates.
Wages and Benefits
Suppliers shall ensure that the Supplier to comply with the relevant laws and regulations imposed by the relevant authorities and all legal requirements on wages and provide any fringe benefits required by law or contract.
Humane Treatment
Suppliers shall treat employees with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subjected to any form of harassment which includes but not limited to physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or threat of any such treatment.
Health and Safety
Suppliers are required to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees and are encouraged to have Policies in place, that are designed to promote the general health of employees and prevent work-related injuries and illness.
Suppliers, its employees, its representatives and/or its agents must be free from the influence of alcohol or any other substance in order to perform the jobs safely and effectively.
Suppliers shall comply with all applicable workplace health and safety laws including appropriate controls, training, work procedures and personal protective equipment as may be required from time to time.
Suppliers shall strictly comply with sustainability and all applicable environmental laws and practices, such as those pertaining to waste disposal, air emissions and pollution, efficient use of resources and respect for the environment. Suppliers must endeavour to facilitate the development and implementation of mitigation actions through emission, reduction or removal enhancements to support sustainable development of a low carbon economy.
Reporting Obligation
Any non-compliance with and/ or breach of the Code could prevent the Group from achieving its overall corporate objectives. It could also cause damage to the Group’s reputation and. It is your obligation to report any instance of actual or suspected violation of the Code in good faith, promptly to the Group Whistleblowing Channel.
All reports are taken seriously and will be handled in a confidential manner with disclosure limited to conduct a full investigation of the alleged violation.
Industry Practices
The Group will only do business with Suppliers that produce, package, store and deliver products in accordance with good manufacturing practices prevailing in their respective industries. Suppliers are expected to provide goods and services that consistently meet required specifications.
This Code does not create any binding obligations on the Group. It may be amended from time to time. The latest version is available at
Review and Revision
This Code shall be reviewed every three (3) years unless earlier revision is required or on a need-to basis to ensure it remains current and relevant.
Mun Siong is committed to the highest professional standards of ethics, legal conduct and accountability. We recognise the importance of strong corporate governance and have put in place a framework that promotes responsible and secure whistleblowing.
The whistleblowing policy allows both internal and external business stakeholders to highlight concerns over serious breaches of the code of conduct by employees as well as corrupt, fraudulent and illegal practices within the organisation. Confidentiality arrangements are in place for whistle-blowers to raise concerns about actual or potential improprieties without fear of reprisal, discrimination, or adverse consequences in any form, and for these matters to be remediated or mitigated promptly.